Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little hummy birds
Can hear me coming when I
Wear a stupid bell.


Tash said...

Does she hate the bell?
Again, I love the pose!

teej said...

It required two strong people to put the thing ON her, and she disappeared for an hour afterward, but she's been surprisingly tractable, and sometimes cuddly, "A.B." (after bell). Considering putting another one on her.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

I put at least ten bell/collar combos on my siamese cat and she ditched every last one. When new neighbors moved in next door they found several of them while landscaping.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello there!
I came from Tash's blog !
Your blog is soo cool! Congratulations!
purrs and love
Mommy Léia and Luna (